Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai

PhD and Integrated PhD

Duration 5 years, Integrated PhD Program 6 years. 

Ph.d. and Integrated Ph.D. in Mathematics, physics, Biology. 

PhD in Chemistry, Computer and Sysytems sciences including Communications and  Math Finance.

The department of Astrnomy and Astrophysics offers research programs in Theoretical Astrophysics, Infrared and Optical Astronomy, X Ray and Gamma ray AStronomy. 


For Ph.D. program in Physics: M.Sc. (Physics); B.Tech. (Engg. Physics). The candidate must also have qualified for CSIR junior research fellowship through NET held in December 2011 or June 2012.

For PhD program in Chemistry: M.Sc. /B.Tech /M.Tech. The candidate must also have a valid CSIR Junior Research Fellowship.


Entrance and Admission requirements

The admissions procedure consists of a written test and an interview. 

Course Fee and Scholorships
Graduate Program leading to PhD Degree

Offered in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer & Systems Sciences (including Communications and Math. Finance) and Science Education. It is conducted at the Mumbai campus and various National Centres of TIFR.

Entrance and Admission requirements

The entrance consists of a written test and interview.

Course Fee and Scholorships