Sardar Patel College of Communication & Management, New Delhi (Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan)

Post Graduate Diploma in Communication/Management

No. of seats 40

Only graduates of a recognised University are eligible for admission. Those who have appeared for final graduation examination may be admitted provisionally, but if they do not produce evidence of graduation before 30th of September 2012 they will cease to be students and will forfeit the fee paid. Preference is given to those with a good academic record and work experience in the relevant field. Students applying for admission may be required to appear for written test and interview depending on the course. In case the qualifying degree/diploma of a candidate is found to be not recognised or not equivalent to a degree of recognised University, the student can be so informed and asked to discontinue at any time without refund of fee. The Principal has the right to refuse admission without assigning any reason. Candidates with ER will not be eligible for applying in the Post Graduate Programme for admission and also for continuing in the course.

Entrance and Admission requirements

As the number of candidate registering for admission to the different Diploma Courses is very large, a standard screening procedure is followed in selecting candidates for admission. The first stage in this screening process is the scrutiny of the application with specific reference to (a) academic record and (b) work experience. Special weightage is given to those with a good academic record and appropriate work experience. The second stage is a written test for all the candidates seeking admission to the courses. This is not subject test but a general one. As all teaching is done in English, the test primarily relates to the ability to (a) express oneself clearly in English and (b) comprehend ideas expressed in English. There may also be questions to test aptitude, general awareness and, in the case of Marketing and Sales Management and Business Management, quickness in making simple arithmetical calculations. The final stage in screening is an interview to which those who score relatively well in the first two stages together are invited. The final lists of selected candidates are drawn up on the basis of the aggregate scores in the three stages, it being open to the Selection Committee to admit candidates without an interview if their scores in the first two stages are exceptional or well above the average. Candidates who, due to valid reasons, could not apply for admission before the prescribed date, may be admitted by the Selection Committee after interview. The decision of the Selection Committee is final in such cases. Cogent and convincing reasons accompanied by a letter of request may be submitted to the College for consideration for the aforesaid purpose. The detailed programme of Tests. Interview and other related matters is given in next two pages. The dates, timing etc., should be carefully noted and the programme preserved as no further intimation for the selection process will be sent.

Course Fee and Scholorships

Course fees Rs 200,000.