Indian Navy Officer
Indian navy is the Naval Branch of armed forces of India. The primary objective of the Navy is to secure national maritime borders.
The Indian Navy offers challenging careers to young men and women. The Navy provides countless opportunities ranging from being in charge of part of a ship to flying an aircraft or looking after one department on the ship/establishment independently. In addition, throughout his/her career one can actively participate in the sports and adventure activities of their choice. An officer at a very young age assumes the responsibility of commanding his men and use of latest equipment on the ships/submarines/aircraft. Working in the latest technology environment, the young officers are exposed to the very best in their field of operations. The cutting edge technology and Revolution in Military Affairs makes the career very challenging in the Indian Navy. Men in white command dignity and respect and are always in high spirits as the service offers personal, financial, emotional security and status in the society. Adventure activities like mountaineering, sailing, yachting, water sports, polo and other sports/games are easily accessible. For those who seek fulfillment in life, there is no career like the Navy. It offers an attractive pay package, perks, life time pension, medical benefits for self and family.