Automobile Engineering
— Eric Bana
This quote by the Australian film and television actor - Mr. Bana, summarizes the love that automobile engineers have for vehicles. And why not, automobiles are no longer just a mode of transportation. All the advancements in science and technology along with the concept of style, has given birth to cars, which are not just functional, but also cater to the luxury segment.
This is what we at mapmytalent know about Automobile Engineering.
There are a number of aspects to an automobile engineering job and accordingly a number of programs are offered by the technical institutes. Automobile engineers are trained to build and test vehicles, repair them with various instruments as well as stylize them. When a new vehicle is launched in the market, each of its features is given special attention – the idea being that the vehicle be as safe as possible on the road. If not redesigning the entire vehicle, the design engineers design components of the vehicles, test them in laboratory and then incorporate them in the automobile.
In India there are only a few colleges, which offer a course in automobile engineering. The trend, with auto manufacturers has been to hire mechanical engineers, electrical and electronic engineers as well as metallurgists for the job. In the recent times, in keeping with the demand for car styling, there are design institutes, which offer courses in automobile design. Engineers who undergo such courses contribute significantly to the car companies. The Engineering Jobs in the automobile engineering sector, requires the engineers to be well versed in physics, which is applicable in technical aspects that is useful in understanding the working of the engine. Another important aspect is the knowledge of materials, which is used in the design process. This helps them in using the materials appropriately depending on the function of the part for instance, use of fiberglass or steel. The job of an automobile engineer encompasses material treatment, design of control systems (electronics), the Computer Aided Design (CAD) & CAM process and logistics.
Automobile Engineers are also employed in service stations wherein they oversee the repair of vehicles. They also find employment with defense services and private transport companies. For those who enjoy the world of research, can continue their education after the post graduation degree and join a Ph.D. program. Thereafter they can work as faculty in reputed technical colleges both in India or abroad. Also, as a researcher in this field, one can do further development by experimenting newer and safer ways to design an automobile.